Basic Arabic Level I
Description: Basic knowledge of Arabic with extensive vocabulary and functional useful Arabic expressions. The Basic Arabic Level I focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking for non natives with no previous knowledge of the Arabic language, as well as native children, second generation immigrants and their children, and Arabic language unlettered adults. Materials include over 70 lessons in elementary Arabic grammar, morphology, syntax patterns and exercises.
Study Material : Teachers and students will benefit from over rich 240 preset self-paced audio-visual practice lessons to start. They include vocabulary for common environments, such as work, home surroundings, school, people, neighborhood, equipment, nouns, verbs, and more.
Subjects include: Reading, writing, math, conversation, grammar, history, biographies, geography, and is rich with quizzes, games, and interactive maps, sound recording and comparison, and much more. From K-12 to college levels, the program offers a total of over 620 lessons requiring over 800 hours of course work, with over 17,000 audio files, and much more.
See description of Intermediate Arabic Level I & II |